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Life goes on…


I cry, I weep and I think with my entire mind in all the difficulties where and whom shall I turn to?

Allah is the answer to every problem I realize in the end after all the other things I do

I start praying; I cry and weep there, and pray for all what’s in my heart and mind

And then after the prayer from the deepest depths of my heart, a beautiful serenity I find

Life goes on and I often get lost with it, many problems come and go

And with every problem I realize that to all the other things beside Allah I should say no

And before the start of any problem, itself, I must turn to Allah and say yes

To all the things which Allah says before I again make myself or my life into a mess

I realize all these things yet I get off-track and make all the mistakes I shouldn’t make

And then I realize what wrong I have done and then I yearn for all the useful advices I must take

All the useful advices which I need I find in the Quran and Hadith, which I take

To better my life and not make any more mistakes again

But what I find unfortunately is that I still happen to make mistakes again

A phase of guilt and remorse surpasses me, and to Shaitan is all the blame I place

As my heart then yearns for logical solutions to all problems, I realize that to my nafs I must face

I ponder over myself and try to learn from all the mistakes I made

From all the evils of Shaitan and my nafs I seek refuge in Allah’s most merciful shade

I go on through life and try to be careful and when I see myself making any mistakes again

I seek refuge from Allah, The Most Merciful and The Most Forgiving, to forgive my mistakes yet again

He is Al-Gafoor Ar-Raheem, so I sincerely believe that he will forgive me for all my mistakes

To him I return when I need, from my difficult and non expectable life, some peaceful breaks

From prayer I get all my tranquilly and peace

As that is the place where all my problems cease

For verily I pray to Al-Qadeer, who is able to do all things and always knows and does what is best for me

Life goes on daily this way with all the mistakes and seeking refuge and asking forgiveness, for me.

-Fatimah Publications:Copyright

If you want to post this poem somewhere else,then please do so along with posting this at the end: Source: khayran katheeran 🙂